
Dan Sullivan – Getting Focused

[Dan Sullivan](https://www.strategiccoach.com/our-team/#/people/dan-sullivan/). Dan Sullivan is the founder and President of The Strategic Coach Inc. He is entrepreneurial coach, speaker, consultant, and highly sought after strategist.

He is also the creator of the [Strategic Coach Program](https://www.strategiccoach.com/) and has written several books such as [_The Great Crossover_](https://www.amazon.com/Great-Crossover-Dan-Sullivan/dp/B001GRVFJG) and [_The 21st Century Agent_](https://www.amazon.com/21st-Century-Agent-Dan-Sullivan/dp/0969840144).

Learn more about Dan and his thoughts regarding start-ups, keeping clients, marketing, biotechnology and so much more.

Key Quote “There is a real difference between entrepreneurs – those who are successful as they need to be and those who are successful as they want to be—and there is a huge difference between needing to be successful and wanting to be successful.”

What You’ll Learn

1. How Dan Sullivan started his coaching business and what he considers to be the three-staged disruption in the old model that has paved the way for his business

2. The importance of doing a “no receivables” business

3. Why Dan’s coaching program is not suitable for start-ups

4. Three things that Dan does well

5. What entrepreneurs are doing wrong and how to avoid it

6. Tips regarding work ethic and finding and retaining clients

7. The difference between the “needing” entrepreneurs and “wanting” entrepreneurs

8. The importance of having free days for yourself and your business

9. Where Dan gets his ideas and why it is okay to NOT remember every idea you get

10. How Dan feels about being 70 and his plans for the next 25 years

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Dave Will – The Invaluable Role of Company Culture

Dave Will is a serial entrepreneur, podcast host, and the founder of two fantastic companies—Peach New Media and Prop Fuel. In his interview with Nick, listen to Dave share his motivation behind the founding of Prop Fuel, and why culture cannot be overlooked as a key value. Dave will also talk about what it means to motivate employees, and how he recommends aspiring entrepreneurs go about creating an ideal working environment. And if anyone wants to be a beta tester for Prop Fuel…be sure to listen till the end of the episode!

Key Quote “Creating culture is one of the key pillars in creating a successful company. It cannot be overstated in importance.”

What You’ll Learn

1. The importance of knowing what motivates people and how that knowledge automatically helps the leader of a company.

2. What the Taxi Cab paradox is.

3. Why you should recognize and appreciate your employees at all times.

4. Dave shares a good

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc) about what motivates people.

5. Creating your company’s Vision, Mission and Values.

6. Dave shares Simon Sinek’s [Ted Talk](https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action) about creating purpose for employees.

7. The motivation behind Prop Fuel and the influence of [Yvon Chouinard](https://www.amazon.com/Let-People-Surfing-Education-Businessman/dp/0143037838).

8. What monk and Hindu priest [Dandapani](https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/entrepreneurs-organization/id1086467228?mt=2) told Dave about focus.

9. The top three pieces of advice Dave has to be more effective.

10. Connect with [Dave](mailto:dave@propfuel.com) if you want to be a beta tester of Prop Fuel.

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Alex Charfen – Defining the Entrepreneurial Personality

Meet [Alex Charfen](http://www.charfen.com/bios/alex-charfen/), the man who pioneering adventurer who discovered the Entrepreneurial Personality type, and the Founder/CEO of [Charfen](https://www.charfen.com/).

Alex works as a personal consultant to billionaires, Fortune 500 CEOs, and some of the world’s most successful individuals of industry. In addition to his brain power he loans for top-dollar, Alex is also a prominent speaker and writer who has helped tens of thousands of entrepreneurs around the globe. Pssst—Check out Alex’s FREE GIFT to all Leverage Podcast listeners [here](http://www.charfen.com/leverage)


##Key Quote “When I look at the world, I think there are different types of people. And when you look at the entrepreneurs, and when you examine entrepreneurs, we’re different than most”

##What You’ll Learn

  1. The [Entrepreneurial Personality Type](http://www.charfen.com/blog/tag/entrepreneurial-personality-type/)
  2. The difference between entrepreneurs and the majority of the population
  3. The Contribution Gap and how Charfen helps bridge the gap
  4. The 4-Step High-Level Process
    1. Lower pressure and noise
    2. Increase protection and support
    3. Grow strengths and abilities
    4. Make that greatest contribution
  5. The BIG issue facing the vast majority of entrepreneurs
  6. The importance of knowing what to do in order to achieve your vision
  7. Why you should always communicate and authenticate your vision with your team
  8. The [Scrum Methodology](http://scrummethodology.com/)
  9. The meaning of, “Chase the membership you serve”
  10. Alex’s Top 3 pieces of advice
  • Make sure there’s a clear outcome for anything and everything you do—not matter the action, know the desired outcome.
  • Above all, exercise transparency with your internal and external people—employees, clients, etc.
  • Practice accountability at all times. Make a habit of it.

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David Bach – How to Become an Automatic Millionaire

[David Bach](http://www.davidbach.com) is the author of the New York Times Bestseller, [_The Automatic Millionaire, Expanded and Updated: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich_](https://www.amazon.com/Automatic-Millionaire-Expanded-Updated-Powerful-ebook/dp/B01G0GD0PE)_.

He was also on the bestseller list for Wall Street Journal, Businessweek, and USA Today. He has become a trusted guide and resource for financial planning as his book sold over 1.5M copies. David is a highly, sought after speaker and is also a contributor for NBC’s The Today show.

If you’re interested in a virtual book signing, you can find more information [here](http://livesigning.com/david). David also offers a free, virtual class on CreativeLive called [Start Late, Finish Rich](https://www.creativelive.com/courses/start-late-finish-rich-david-bach) which started on January 19th. Tune in as he shares what has contributed to his success including the importance of slowing down and taking a break.

##Key Quote “The experience of taking a sabbatical was probably the single most important thing I’ve ever done in my life, because as an entrepreneur, I had been charging hard for, you know, almost 25 years and I didn’t realize I was burnt out. ”

What You’ll Learn

1. David’s transition from being an extremely active in his career to becoming a dad

2. How important a sabbatical is for an entrepreneur

3. _The Automatic Millionaire_ was launched by Oprah

4. The real message behind, “The way to really build wealth is to build wealth automatically”

5. Why the first step to becoming a millionaire is to change the way you think

6. The importance of paying yourself first and tools to help with your finances such as [Mint](https://www.mint.com/), [Prosper Daily](https://www.billguard.com/daily), [Acorns](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/acorns-invest-spare-change/id883324671?mt=8), [Wealth Front](https://www.wealthfront.com/), [Betterment](https://www.betterment.com/), and [Personal Capital](https://www.personalcapital.com/)

7. Why you need your accounts setup and automated

8. How creating systems are the real key to leverage

9. Why it’s NEVER too late to start planning your finances

10. David’s top 3 pieces of advice: have your goals written, meditate, and positive focus with the [5 Minute Journal App](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/five-minute-journal/id1062945251?mt=8)

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Noah Kagan – Launching Your Business Models Quickly

[Noah Kagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noah_Kagan) is the founder of [KickFlip](https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/kickflip#/entity) and [AppSumo](http://www.appsumo.com/).

Prior to founding his businesses, he was Employee #30 at [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/) working as a product manager and later joined [Mint.com](https://www.mint.com/) as the Director of Marketing. Listen as Noah shares why you need to launch as quickly as you can, the traits you should be honing, and the reason why you can never blame marketing for not selling.

Connect with Noah on his blog [OkDork](http://okdork.com/) or at [SumoMe](https://sumome.com/).

## Key Quote “I think what I’ve done well and what worked for me is that I launched very quickly, and I keep iterating, very aggressively.”

What You’ll Learn

1. What KickFlip is and how Noah founded it

2. Why it’s helpful to launch quickly

3. From KickFlip to Gambit

4. Why resourcefulness and flexibility are important traits you should have

5. Practicing the challenge of asking for money

6. How to limit the amount of time you have

7. Why you cannot blame marketing when you don’t sell

8. Building your network

9. How Noah plans out his goals

10. Why Noah recommends having quarterly themes

11. Why you need to take more time to think things through

12. The importance of reviewing your previous week with an accountability partner

13. Why you need to spend more to save on time

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Victoria Labalme – Rock the Room

Victoria is founder of [_Rock the Room_](http://www.rocktheroomlive.com/)® and Risk Forward™. She is a performing artist and performance coach who helps people express their most authentic self and their hidden genius – on stage, in workshops, on video, and in life.

Victoria is a private presentation coach to top executives and teams at companies such as Microsoft, Starbucks and Paypal. She also coaches leading entrepreneurs, NY Times bestselling authors, Hollywood directors, and thought leaders who speak on the TED talk platform. Her recent TEDx talk- [_Risk Forward™_](http://www.victorialabalme.com/tedx-talk-risk-forward/)- is spreading fast. In this episode, Victoria gives tips and ample advice on how you can “Rock the Room” and express your hidden genius. ## Key Quote “How do I design an experience for the audience to achieve the outcome that I really want?”

What You’ll Learn

1. How Victoria can help you express your hidden genius through the 5 modules of Rock the Room proprietary system.

2. The importance of structure, content, and delivery in giving a presentation

3. The importance of knowing what your underlying message is and making it the starting point of your presentation

4. The biggest mistake that people make when delivering a talk

5. Quick tips and advice for beginners and professionals

6. Victoria’s examples of great models and masterful storytellers

7. Why Victoria considers Kris Carr as her biggest success story

8. How to present your credentials and handle issues such as sounding monotone and hand gestures

9. Victoria’s top 3 pieces of advice to be more effective in business and in life

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