
Eric Barker – Barking Up the Wrong Tree

**Go to www.bakadesuyo.com to find out much more about Eric and his upcoming book. ** ** ** – Make sure you subscribe, rate and review our podcast and then send a screenshot of the review to us and you could win access to an elite pool of entrepreneurs and productivity experts through Leverage Labs!

All previous episodes and resources can be found at [www.leveragepodcasts.com](http://www.leveragepodcasts.com/) ——- [Get the FREE Optimize, Automate, Outsource Blueprint here.](https:/go.lessdoing.com/blueprint?utm_campaign=blueprint-ari&utm_medium=link&utm_source=podcast) — Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lessdoing/message

Jason Saltzman – Creating the New York City Entrepreneurial Scene

Jason Saltzman is a seasoned entrepreneur with a background in sales and marketing. Through his role as CEO of Alley and as a TechStars mentor, he advises hundreds of startups, offering real life practical application and creative marketing advice. He is also considered a “must know” in the New York City entrepreneurial scene.

– Make sure you subscribe, rate and review our podcast and then send a screenshot of the review to us and you could win access to an elite pool of entrepreneurs and productivity experts through Leverage Labs! All previous episodes and resources can be found at [www.leveragepodcasts.com](http://www.leveragepodcasts.com/) ——- [Get the FREE Optimize, Automate, Outsource Blueprint here.](https:/go.lessdoing.com/blueprint?utm_campaign=blueprint-ari&utm_medium=link&utm_source=podcast) — Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lessdoing/message

Peter Shallard – Skyrocket Your Business Success

[Peter Shallard](http://www.petershallard.com/about/) is the founder and CEO of [Commit Action](https://www.commitaction.com/). Known as the shrink for entrepreneurs, Peter started as a psychotherapist working with people who had mental health problems before he directed his focus towards working with business people. His passion is working with for-profit businesses that aim to make a positive impact. Listen as Peter shares his thoughts about setting goals, the importance of accountability, and the urgency in achieving it.

**What You’ll Learn:**

– How Peter became the shrink for entrepreneurs through his practice as a psychotherapist

– What his clients mainly talk to him about (ex. business partnerships)

– Peter’s advice for those who are working with partners

– How Commit Action came about

– What Commit Action can do for your business and your personal goals and how it gives you accountability

– The coach sets milestones based on your timeframe and you will have weekly rituals to track your development

– How accountability coaches help you achieve your goals through a sense of urgency

– What Peter, Nick, and Ari do that complements each other

– How the key is to NOT be consumed with just business – Peter’s top three pieces of advice to be more effective:

– Stack many layers of accountability in your life

– Break down your goals into the smallest possible steps

– Deadlines are really important

——- [Get the FREE Optimize, Automate, Outsource Blueprint here.](https:/go.lessdoing.com/blueprint?utm_campaign=blueprint-ari&utm_medium=link&utm_source=podcast) — Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lessdoing/message

Andrew Horn – Capturing Special Moments

[Andrew Horn](http://itsandrewhorn.com/) is the co-founder of [Tribute](https://www.tribute.co/), which The New Yorker called Hallmark 2.0. He is also a speaker and social entrepreneur who has been invited by Fortune 500’s, universities and associations to share about his expertise in communication and entrepreneurship. Learn about the inspiration behind Tribute and how you can make personalized video greetings for your loved ones. Check out Tribute and get a 50% discount exclusively offered by Andrew to listeners of Leverage.

– **What You’ll Learn **

How Andrew got the idea for Tribute after his girlfriend made a video tribute for him for his birthday Tribute has a 3-step process for making videos: – They send reminders and deadlines to the email list – People can upload videos on a collection page – They have their own collaborative video editor The features of tribute including how only videos and photos can be created by the site Tribute’s current marketing efforts to reach out Andrew got engaged two months ago Their special feature of doing live, on-site tributes Options for users of Tribute: do it yourself or let Tribute do it for you How people are given prompting questions to answer in their videos The videos are stored in perpetuity on their servers Andrew’s top three pieces of advice:

– Spend time with people you love and who inspire you – Go on a meditation program – Have a consistent practice of gratitude – Make sure you subscribe, rate and review our podcast and then send a screenshot of the review to us and you could win access to an elite pool of entrepreneurs and productivity experts through Leverage Labs!

All previous episodes and resources can be found at [www.leveragepodcasts.com](http://www.leveragepodcasts.com/) ——- [Get the FREE Optimize, Automate, Outsource Blueprint here.](https:/go.lessdoing.com/blueprint?utm_campaign=blueprint-ari&utm_medium=link&utm_source=podcast) — Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lessdoing/message

Dave Asprey – Mitochondrial Health, Brain Energy, and Working Smarter

The optimization of performance happens on many levels, but few of us go as deeply as Dave Asprey has in his new book, “Head Strong.” His focus? Mitochondrial health. If you listen to this conversation I had with Dave you’ll understand why he has paid such close attention to the health of these tiny organelles that reside within each of your 37.2 trillion cells, but more importantly you’ll discover some of the things you can do to maximize your body’s ability to generate energy and make it possible for your to think and work smarter and more effectively.

A cheat day is like rewarding yourself with a punch in the face. As Dave and I spoke about mitochondrial health on this episode of The Leverage Podcast I asked him about the impact of dietary “cheat days” on overall health. He was quick to point out that the way most people implement what they CALL a “cheat day” is like rewarding yourself for eating well with a punch in the face. He’d rather make an exception to his diet consciously when needed because he wants to participate more fully in a holiday or celebration of some kind and know that it was worth it for that reason. Find out why Dave abhors the concept of “cheat days” and what he suggests instead, by listening to this episode.

Sleeping better is better than sleeping more. There’s so much talk about the importance of sleep and making sure you are getting enough sleep. But Dave Asprey is more concerned with the quality of sleep he’s getting than he is about the amount of sleep. In his mind, sleeping better is better than sleeping more – and in order to do that he shares a number of hacks he uses to maximize the quality of his sleep, including True Dark Glasses, sleep apps, and more. If you want the straight scoop on sleep you need to hear what Dave shares on this episode.

You can train your body for greater mitochondrial health. It may sound impossible that you can program the mitochondria in your cells to do their job more effectively, but it’s true. Dave Asprey has researched the subject thoroughly and has come to the conclusion that while mitochondria operate in complex ways to provide health to the cells, they are also very stupid. They function on a basic, three-level hierarchy that can be manipulated and amplified through a number of variables, including diet, sleep, light, and more. Listen to this episode to find out why Dave says that maximizing your body’s ability to produce more energy is one of the greatest ways to be more effective.

If you want to be more effective, make fewer decisions. As you know, I always wrap up the show by asking my guest to share their top 3 tips for being more effective – and though I’ve asked that question of Dave Asprey before, I couldn’t really think of a better way to end. So, I asked – and Dave began his list with this one – make fewer decisions. He gives a couple of examples of how that looks, including how he uses his calendar and the approach he takes to his team’s requests of him for decisions. He’s got a common sense approach and explains it well, so be sure you listen.

Outline of This Episode

– [0:22] Ari’s introduction to this session with Dave Asprey – and his new book, “Headstrong.”

– [3:00] A book to help you increase the “battery power” of your body.

– [4:22] How the KREBs cycle works – and why it matters.

– [5:45] The impact of Dave’s tips for killing off weak mitochondria and letting the strong ones run your body.

– [14:47] Is a “cheat day” worth it on a healthy diet?

– [18:15] Why the typical advice Docs give regarding cholesterol treatment is incomplete.

– [24:03] The top three tests people should do to get a baseline on their health.

– [28:23] Why Dave uses True Dark Glasses and the impact they have.

– [41:22] Supplements everyone should be using that they don’t know about.

– [49:00] Gadgets Dave recommends.

– [57:17] A biohacking experiment that went badly for D — Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lessdoing/message

Brian Scrone and Jennifer Love – Increasing Financial Intelligence

[Brian Scrone](http://www.jaxinvestments.com/about-the-team/) of [Family Board Meetings](http://familyboardmeetings.com/) is a seasoned real estate investor and speaker. Brian is passionate about serving others, earning money from it, and also strongly believes in having a balanced lifestyle—giving priority to family and relationships.

[Jennifer Love](http://jenniferlove.com/about/) of [One More Woman](http://www.onemorewoman.com/) is a CEO, entrepreneur, adviser, speaker and a writer. As a serial entrepreneur, she has more than 17 years of experience working with companies to grow and raise revenue. One of Jennifer’s notable accomplishments is the creation of [NibMor](http://nibmor.com/)—a wholesale chocolate company that originated as a kitchen concept. Listen as the four of them talk about their respective fields and what they have to offer for entrepreneurs of any age or gender.

Key Quote “There is a complete congruency gap between what people are telling themselves are their priorities and how they are investing their time.”

What You’ll Learn

  1. [One More Woman] (http://www.onemorewoman.com/) helps women scale their business and leverage their power
  2. Brian recommends the board game, [Cashflow](https://www.amazon.com/CASHFLOW-Board-Exclusive-Strategy-Delivered/dp/B00M085AMI), which helps children learn about finance in a fun way
  3. [Family Board Meetings](http://familyboardmeetings.com/) does parent-to-child retreats with a focus on spending quality time with one another, financial intelligence, relationships, communication, and service
  4. What it means to rewrite your money story
  5. Brian shares about his book, _What Matters Most,_ and how it’s his journey through self-love and faith, relationships and learning how to prioritize
  6. Jennifer is running a [Boot Camp](http://moneybootcamp.strikingly.com/) for women entrepreneurs, anyone who joins gets a treat from QuickBooks
  7. Nick and Ari will be releasing a free project management tool for companies that they can use internally
  8. How to make things sustainable by gamifying it and making it fun
  9. Jennifer’s top three pieces of advice to be more effective:
  10. A morning routine
  11. Get an abundance partner or advisers you can lean on
  12. The double down strategy: making numbers and analyzing data—do more of what works and stop doing what doesn’t
  13. Brian’s top three pieces of advice to be more effective:
  14. Get clear in your priorities
  15. An accountability system
  16. Delegate, delegate, delegate

——- [Get the FREE Optimize, Automate, Outsource Blueprint here.](https:/go.lessdoing.com/blueprint?utm_campaign=blueprint-ari&utm_medium=link&utm_source=podcast) — Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lessdoing/message